Skateboard Risers Ultimate Guide How to Select Install and Understand Their Importance for Enhanced Riding ExperienceWhen it comes to customizing your skateboard for optimal performance and comfort, every component counts — right down to the small, often overlooked pieces like skateboard risers. These nifty additions to your skateboard setup can make a significant difference in how your board feels and handles, especially for those looking to push their limits on the pavement.

Skateboard Risers Explained

Skateboard risers, small rectangular pieces placed between the deck and the trucks, serve a pivotal role in adjusting the height of your board. By elevating the deck, they reduce the risk of wheel bite — a common nuisance where the wheel rubs against the board during sharp turns, potentially causing a sudden stop. Risers come in various thicknesses, typically ranging from 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch, allowing skaters to customize their setup to their liking.

The Importance of Risers in Skateboarding

Skateboard Risers Ultimate Guide How to Select Install and Understand Their Importance for Enhanced Riding Experience

The primary benefit of using risers is the increased clearance they provide, which is crucial for skaters using larger wheels (like 58mm) or those fond of deep carving turns. This added space helps prevent wheel bite, ensuring a smoother, safer ride. Additionally, risers can absorb some of the shocks from landings and rough terrains, offering a marginally softer ride and reducing stress on the deck.

Determining the Need for Risers in Your Skateboard Setup

Whether or not you need risers depends on several factors, including your wheel size, the concavity of your deck, and personal preference. Larger wheels typically necessitate risers to avoid wheel bite, while aggressive skating styles that involve sharp turns or tricks might benefit from the added clearance and shock absorption. Evaluate your current setup and riding style to determine if risers could enhance your skateboarding experience.

Choosing and Matching Risers to Your Skateboarding Style

Selecting the right riser size and thickness is crucial for achieving the desired board feel and performance. For skaters rolling on 58mm wheels, a riser of at least 1/8 inch is recommended to prevent wheel bite. However, those looking for a more cushioned ride or engage in high-impact skating might opt for thicker risers. Consider your skating style, wheel size, and deck shape when choosing risers to ensure they complement your setup perfectly.

Installing Skateboard Risers: A Step-by-Step Guide

Skateboard Risers Ultimate Guide How to Select Install and Understand Their Importance for Enhanced Riding Experience

  1. Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a skate tool or wrench and a screwdriver that fits the slot type of your screw head.
  2. Remove the Trucks: Use your tools to remove the nuts securing your trucks to the deck.
  3. Place the Risers: Position the risers directly onto the mounting holes on the deck.
  4. Reattach the Trucks: Place the trucks over the risers, aligning all mounting holes, and reinsert the screws through the deck, riser, and truck.
  5. Tighten the Nuts: Secure the nuts back onto the screws. Ensure they’re tight enough for safety but not so tight that they crush the risers.

Materials Matter: The Composition of Skateboard Risers

Risers are typically made from hard plastic, rubber, or eco-friendly materials like recycled rubber or bamboo. Plastic risers are durable and provide a solid lift, while rubber risers offer additional shock absorption, beneficial for rough terrains or skaters performing high-impact tricks. The choice of material can affect the weight and flexibility of your setup, so consider what feels best under your feet.


Skateboard risers, though small and simple, can significantly impact your skating experience by preventing wheel bite, improving shock absorption, and allowing for a customized board feel. Whether you’re a street skater navigating tight turns or a ramp rider seeking extra clearance for your tricks, adding risers to your setup might be the tweak you need for optimal performance and comfort. Experience the Ultimate Thrill with BESPEED’s Riser Pads! Discover the Best Skateboard Hardware at BESPEED

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